HebrewStudent posted video:
Hebrew conversation for students.
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Hebrew conversation for students.
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Tags | : Hebrew Conversation , Resturant |
hey kilwounded….kussummak ya ibn shamurta. Now for your English lesson, dog, cat see tree big bird run fly , picket fence , green sky , blue moon. Makes as much sense as your ramblings. Now, Turkish… Sik dir , anne siken, kopek! Oh, where is your Fuhrer now, when you really need him? If you don’t like Jews why the hell do you visit the sites? I don’t go to Arab sites and insult them. Grow up .
right, but how the hell people that arent from israel need to learn from that xD
lol they speak so slow on purpose its so funny
jews are more or less arabs right?
i didn’t made it up…if you’re believe in the bible that’s what was written
that the whole people spoke one language
at least you should believe in that..
too bad the israelis steal palestinian land and kill their people but act like the victims to gain sympathy and steal American taxpayers money.
Israelis = lying, stealing, racist, sneaky, murderous, hypocritical terrorists. doesnt your religon say all that stuff is bad?
but you are a jew so everything you say is a lie
all languages are made of from hebrew at the beginning of the creation the whole people on earth spoke one language which was hebrew. and that’s the reason that they’r similar words in other languages
i teach hebrew through singing have a look at judigor hebrew singing lessons
crg64 Because Arabs liven in Spain for 900 years- a great amount of Spanish is based on the Arabic Language- Spanish names that end in ES and EZ are originally Jewish names!
mad2222dog The Jews and Arabs are Cousins- I wish they would start acting so! SALEM…SHALOM!
when they order I understood WHAT THEY order cause alot of the Hebrew words are same in arabic .
in our language all the letters are same in hebrew i strated to learn hebrew last week and i was surprised how easy it is cause i’ve found out there alot of hebrew words are the same in arabic. We write from right to left same in hebrew
They do a great job for non-native speakers (everything from clarity to vocabulary is excellent in this video!). The thing that I find funny is that, as a native speaker, the speed of speaking is 2380283 quicker! I just hope non-native speakers won’t give up on the language once they realize this!
Good videos.They are easy enough to understand.I’m not jewish nor christian but an atheist but have always wanted to learn to speak and write Hebrew.Love the sound and seeing it written.Just have a basic understanding.I listen to the internet radio but that can be to hard to understand at times.