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Did you know that Natalie Portman is Israeli? Check her out speaking Hebrew in this interview with an Israeli news station. Wouldn’t you like to learn Hebrew too? If you live in New York, you can learn for free — check out
Category | : Uncategorized |
Tags | : Israeli News , Learn Hebrew , Natalie Portman |
Jewish women, they’re all the most beautiful in the world.
bite my dyke ass kike
stay clean man its your only hope
-so spaketh zarathusthra
transcripts from the law offices of the late coprophagist esquire jr., m.d.p.h.d., d.d.s., o.p.p.,d.i.y.obgyn – thewaydownisthewayup co.1776 all rights reserved-
What did you block me for you fucking Jewish cocksucker?
Who gives a fuck what languages she can speak, obviously a bunch of idiots, about 7,000 to be exact!
why is princesss abadabla speaking in fartfart poop idiot fartfart talk she smells now i dont like her whooo
-so spaketh zarathusthra
transcripts from the law offices of the late coprophagist esquire jr., m.d.p.h.d., d.d.s., o.p.p.,d.i.y.obgyn – thewaydownisthewayup co.1776 all rights reserved-
Lo yadati sh-natalie portman m’daberet ivrit.
hebrew sounds so cool when she says it
ani ohevet le medabeer ivreet
Hebrew sounds beautiful,I want to learn it..:)
wow they pronounce so many “sh” sounds…
Didn´t knew that Natalie is jewish…thats really cool!!!!
I’m not jewish you racist moron, although I really wouldnt mind it if I was. I’m english and an athiest, I’m just more intelligent and open minded than you so I don’t feel the need to insult a racial group.
The most beautiful and inteligent girls in the world come from former Yugoslavia and Israel.
Natalie knows Arabic as well, she has studied Islam in Jerushalaym
It’s important because she’s giving an interview to an Israeli channel in Hebrew. Or would you prefer to see her talking to her own people in English?
Bendikoben, thanks for the Hebrew saying but you are talking to a greek here.
Hebrew is much further away linguistically from English than Greek is, to be honest. There is a Hebrew saying: He who takes his rank lightly raises his own dignity. Í hope you know what I’m referring to here.
whatever israel dude