yoav28 posted video:
A beginner’s video of learning hebrew – it’s an easy language!
Category | : Uncategorized |
Tags | : Easy Language , Learn Hebrew , Learning Hebrew |
A beginner’s video of learning hebrew – it’s an easy language!
Category | : Uncategorized |
Tags | : Easy Language , Learn Hebrew , Learning Hebrew |
I have rockets in my garden …. very useful vocabulary !
You’re not even Semitic hence not Israeli (ie Israelite), why don’t you go back to the Khazarian gutter you came from, ie Georgia and Russia?
the stuff they dont teach u ba ulpan =D =D
lmho a few of these I had already learned from my Israeli friend. Great video
I am not agree! Hebrew is the least popular in the world.
lol i know hebrew 😛
im from israel
19, not close to being russian 😛
boy in right is so sweet! 😀 ^^
yoav, are u originally from russia? and who’s dat ishai?is he ur frend or a relative?
u do look like a buddy of mine, amit serper but we’re older than u i guess..amit is also an israeli and he’s much involved in the NET
how old r u?
Dobro. Ne razumijem kako je “:P”… Ja sam stare!! LOL!
wouldnt ben zonah, be son of a whore?
Soldiers 🙁
Pozdrav! Da li govoris hrvatski?
no Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic… 😛
What you guys doing now? Linguistics in the University?
**בן זונה טובבבבבבב
בן כלב… טובבבבבבבבב!!!!!
German sometimes 😛
Your English is very good! 🙂
Anyother language besides French, Ukranian adn Dutch?
WOW u guys are hott– esp the one in blue =)
Es hebreo o que? jajaa es increible ver como ensenen solamente las vulgaridades!!
down with idiots who send unrelated comments