Shlomo Katz – Niggun of the Birds

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Home Music Shlomo Katz – Niggun of the Birds
Published on January 19, 2013
Shlomo Katz posted video:

After not being able to fall asleep, I began walking toward the Holy Wall at dawn. This is what I heard from the birds chirping away.

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  1. ShalomgrlGen123

    This Niggun cheered me up in hospital….
    Shlomo Thank you… my husband and I saw you live in LA, Chanukah 2012- thank you what an honor!

  2. Ben Madsen

    SoulofaMystic- youre not reform, youre a yid. We’re all yidden. Lets break out of the barriers we set for ourselves with movements and live Hashems Torah together and bring the geula!

  3. Yossi Akselrud


  4. norka28

    i heard i was at the maimo concert

  5. magnoz

    Awesome!! Baruch Hashem !!!

  6. moshe mordechai zalman Shulman

    Chasdei Hashem, may Hashem bless you and all klal yisrael to have music from heaven, the highest and best heaven to share with the entire world in Joy.

  7. EvertonFooty

    Hassidic Judaism just strives to be closer to G-d by doing Mitzvah with joy. It is a commandment to be happy. Peace and Blessings upon thee SoulofaMystic.

  8. Honeysbunch

    Beautiful!!… What talent!

  9. omrabj

    Hassidic Judaism was a movement of reform, in many ways and in the context of its time. It stressed inner faith and decent interpersonal relations. And yeah – they had some great tunes 🙂

  10. Marsha Myerowitz


  11. SoulofaMystic

    I’m Reform, but I must admit Hassidic Judaism has given the Jewish people-indeed humanity-a beautiful tradition of music and for that I thank them.

  12. littleleips

    Beautiful……and so calming!

  13. maychador1

    consonant with my mood. Thank you!

  14. ZZLudwick

    B”H Love it!!

  15. Dovid Yudkowitz

    Really beautiful.

  16. moeteich

    awesome song gonna jam it w/ my friends! thanx

  17. David Orenstein

    Beautiful beautiful niggun!!! Tov LeHodot Lashem!!!

  18. jezball

    This is mamash so beautiful. That birds can sing Carlebach niggunim is a real NES a real miracle :))

    R’ Shlomo keep walking around early morning and composing such lovely nigunnim.

  19. meirtraube

    not for the birds; of the birds.

  20. Yechezkel Freundlich


  21. markvjh

    Wow! As I closed my eyes and listened to this excellent song I thought that for a moment I was listening to Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (O.B.M) Kol Ha Kavod.

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