A song in Hebrew

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Home Music A song in Hebrew
Published on April 15, 2009
eyaleyal posted video:

Me playing "ahavno" by Aviv Geffen, on a piano. …

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  1. flipzantricks89

    u cld say at yafeh, which is nice or pretty or at chatich which is youre hot

  2. the043

    M8… thats beatiful… can u plz tell me how i say “youre beatiful” on hebrew? couse i want a girl to know i really think she is beatiful (she can talk hebrew)

  3. contessabrilliante

    All I hear is the loud piano accompaniment, yet I hardly hear the voice. Should have used a microphone. Better, take some singing lessons and the voice would shine through. This video should be re-done. There’s potential.

  4. GrotrianSeiler

    Just beautiful.

  5. yossilagziel

    nice but try to play this songs: forgot about dre/ linkin park-numb| still dre|

  6. amirbergner

    great song man! who are u singing about?

  7. Music0preacher

    this is lovely, col hacavod, ein cmo aviv

  8. solhersh

    ahhlaa ahiiee luv from texas!

  9. Hila566

    i’m writing that response for the 100 time just because i want you to knoe that i think youre great and i want you to post more videos i’m tracking your profile…

    i hope this time the comment will get posted.

  10. chrissenen

    Me’od Muzlach! Schir Se Na’im Li! Liebe Grüße aus Frankfurt! Schalom! Chrissen

  11. Stillillgal

    nice piano playing!!

  12. assaf88

    very melodic and nice!

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