שירים לקראת שבת – songs for shabbat

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Home Music שירים לקראת שבת – songs for shabbat
Published on February 2, 2013
mimes16 posted video:

some of these songs are for weddings.

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  1. johnmalazarte87

    although it did not understand the lyrics, i felt the inspiration and passion of the music from its tune. very wonderful! this language spoken by the messiah when he was on earth is far more awesome to listen than latin. i am christian and not jew but i want to say YHWH bless israel! 🙂

  2. skors67

    בלה בלה

  3. mordehayzevyy


  4. mordehayzevyy

    גד אלבז Gad Elbaz – mi sheberah 

  5. Maryjane Ornelas

    These were /are so beautiful. Thank you

  6. rubiatouz

    Shabbat Shalom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. abel brod

    Gracias Varon Elohim Te Bendiga Y Guarde en Yashuaj Hamashiaj.

  8. שירה דודזון

    היי! השירים [או לפחות הראשון] הם של משפחת וואך, ולא של גד אלבז!

  9. livia valero

    Dios bendiga Israel

  10. George Kruchell

    Wonderful Love the spechel tuch be blessed

  11. Klement Mal

    Shalom, Klement Hahm Liebzait Mal

  12. jeshualivesforever

    Shalom! Please, let get the everlasting World peace become reality. Shalom olam!

  13. Begoña Garcia Romo

    gracias gran pueblo los admiro por su valor

  14. khalil carlos jaar

    shabat shalom May the peace of the Lord be with all people working for peace

  15. Alfred Merkl

    Manifice,Sehr schön durch diese Musik nähert man sich wieder dem Glauben Merci Danke

  16. noriel saldaña

    shabat shalom


  17. meiyu dai

    Beloved Yisrael,  Please go visit amightywind website and read End Times Prophecies From YAH about Yisrael 37 .48. 50 .63.

    Prophecy 50 Hear Oh Yisrael! THE POWER! THE POWER! THE POWER!
    Is In YAHUVEH’s Name!

    Prophecy 89 Secrets Of The RUACH ha KODESH
    (Holy Spirit)

    Prophecy 90
    What Is The Name Of The RUACH ha KODESH? .

    YAH bless Yisrael ! YAH bless Jerusalem !

  18. Caylande

    Thank you for uploading. It’s so beautiful.
    Shabbat Shalom.

  19. Jean Yves METAYER-ROBBES

    Très bon shabbat à vous tous 🙂

  20. Genner Alvarado Mendoza

    Dulce shabbat, dulce Adonai por crearlo

  21. Jesús Culebro Montalvo

    This is the first Song.  watch?v=4cbN2uDGsvQ

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