Hebrew singing lesson

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Home Music Hebrew singing lesson
Published on October 3, 2008
judigor posted video:

Sing with me and notice how quickly you can learn Hebrew

Lesson 1

Echad mi yodea — one who knows
Echad ani yodea – one I know
Echad eloheinu – one (is) our God
She Ba shamaim – in the heaven
uva aretzs — and on earth

You are most welcome to leave me a message if you have any questions/requests about my lessons and/or workshops.

Judith Gor

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  1. judigor

    i usually make just a short version to inspire people to look further this is a very long song sang in pesach
    i am planing ato make a cd soon it might be a good idea to broaden this version

  2. poshgirl55

    Did you finish the song in another lesson? Because I love the song and I would like to learn it whole. Thanks

  3. Johnrosssssss

    Great voice, thanks for this mam, you sound awsome

  4. media4change

    Todah Raba! Wonderful!

  5. MarianaOz

    Thank you so much!

  6. Airlightf

    Beautyful! I am hoping to learn more songs from you. You are great!

  7. immencely

    Tadah! You are great! I’m learning it

  8. honeyandsam

    your voice is beautiful! thank you so much for the wonderful lesson

  9. wenkokadber

    Beautiful voice, todah raba.
    pray for peace and justice in the holy land.

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