Jerusalem Day Music Video w/Carol Cantrell, Israeli songs

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Home Music Jerusalem Day Music Video w/Carol Cantrell, Israeli songs
Published on April 5, 2009
singinginjerusalem posted video:

Clips of the celebrations on Jerusalem Day parades in the center of Jerusalem, ending at the Western Wall. Carol Cantrell is singing a Hebrew Mizrachi traditional medley of favorites. …

  1. GrinddalCPH

    Second off.. MAN it’s that type of attitude that makes war prosper..

    GET a life.. Im not gonna generalize, but if all jews and isralies are like you, no wonder people are battling you.. thats just ignorant, arrogant and primitive..

  2. GrinddalCPH

    SAD, that even on the freaking internet, the goddamn war continues..

    JUST get along man.. or fucking SHUT THE FUCK UP.. Israel this Palestine this, Muslims that Jews This.. FUCK, why does every fucking war have to be about religion..

  3. shabbatbeliever

    All the muslims coming on here are jealous of Jews and The Holy land, they are all nomads and dont belong to anyland..there is only one God and that is Yawheh the God of ISRAEL!

  4. shabbatbeliever

    AM ISRAEL C HAI!!!!!!!

  5. Andreeewtjeeee

    Long Live ISRAEL ! .

  6. luckylangerie

    seig heil ???
    Its hello to you jiminen
    I have no Alleigence to that retarded little man Adolf Hitler.He was a genetic mutant.A failure even in the most simple of tasks.The primary one ..Being human.
    And he was probably jewish.

  7. Punkdout871

    Agreed, Death to israel !

  8. jiminen3

    he hee.. israel fuckers must die. sieg heil kameraden.

  9. djwael12

    long live palesteen

  10. luckylangerie

    yes ,Its unfortunate about the gypsies and the poles alright but I dont see them trying to create an empire or committing genocide in the name of property ownership

  11. YehudaMizrahi

    Fuck u did u not see on Tv the Palestinians Fatah and Hamas were murdering eachother last year. And FYI Gypsies,Poles,Ukrainians were also killed in the Holocaust you ignorant pig not just Jews.But go ahead and fuck some terrorist which please you.LONG LIVE ISRAEL!!!

  12. luckylangerie

    The west doesnt hate arabs anymore it hates zionist pigs .We gave isreal to the jews and all they did to show their dignity was to show that hitler might have been right about them.Now thats a talent ill tell you!!
    hmm?the west is sick of jews moaning about the holocoust while they murder arabs.

  13. Boazhorribilis


  14. ya2030ssine

    ach’hado anna la ilaha illa lah wa ach’hado anna mohammadan rasoulo lah

  15. reinhardpeiper


  16. maviruya2

    İsrail Ysraeli – israel İsrail Israeli- זונה יהודים מדינת ישראל חזיר DOG ALLAHIN İZNİ İLE ALLAHIN LANETLEDİĞİ TOPLUM İSRAİL İSRAEL israeli LANETLİ TOPLULUK DOMUZ TOPLULUK YER YÜZÜNDEN SİLİNECEK uyduruk tevrata inanıp çocuk kadın öldürmenin hesabı çok acı olacak.. ABD dağılıacak RUSYA gibi bakalım זונה חזיר yahudiler nereye kaçacaklar Adolf hitler ruhun şad olsun.

  17. maviruya2

    İsrail Ysraeli – israel İsrail Israeli- זונה יהודים מדינת ישראל חזיר DOG ALLAHIN İZNİ İLE ALLAHIN LANETLEDİĞİ TOPLUM İSRAİL İSRAEL israeli LANETLİ TOPLULUK DOMUZ TOPLULUK YER YÜZÜNDEN SİLİNECEK uyduruk tevrata inanıp çocuk kadın öldürmenin hesabı çok acı olacak.. ABD dağılıacak RUSYA gibi bakalım זונה חזיר yahudiler nereye kaçacaklar Adolf hitler ruhun şad olsun.

  18. mudi723

    jude sind geschwestern von affen und schweine…
    jude sind propheten mörder.
    jude soll immer getrent lieben.
    jude hatte angst von hase.
    angsthase,angsthase,angsthase, angsthase,angsthase.
    ihr kleine missgeburt.
    ihr seid mäuse.
    sharon ist gestorben wie ein ratte..
    barak ist eine wörkel.
    schweine und affen
    ZB: gundelissar rice (affe),siebi lievni(schwein):

  19. fishingpro618

    you stupid piece of camel shit. i cant even understand your post. Arabs are a disease. No wonder all the west hates you.

  20. simomed83

    ach’hado anna la ilaha illa lah wa ach’hado anna mohammadan rasoulo lah….allaho akbar…..رَبَّنَا أَفْرِغْ عَلَيْنَا صَبْرًا وَتَوَفَّنَا مُسْلِمِينَ

  21. simomed83

    fuck youuuuuuu forever…me too i hate israel jewish you have a chance cuz you r far than morocco…our allah will help palastine at the end you r loser…and the muslims r great and so strong…fuck youuuu fack you and your israel

  22. fishingpro618

    i hate muslims and wanna kill you all. am y’israel chai. avrahem b’kever, aravhem b’gever

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