HARE’UT (Piano Version) שיר הרעות

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Home Music HARE’UT (Piano Version) שיר הרעות
Published on April 24, 2009
go9zu posted video:

Me playing an israeli song. Shir Hare'ut means in Hebrew "song of the friendship" or "the camaraderie" Enjoy:-) I am Greek but I learn hebrew because I like very much Israel and Iam very interested at the history and the cultur of this country and of this nation. I hopw you like my piano version of this very moving song. when I read the lyrics I wanna cry,so sad and so tender. …

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  1. gmlch

    the pleasure is mine 🙂

  2. go9zu

    You are right my friend,guy (guyal11) is great.Because of his channel and because of the great israeli music he upload I started a year ago learning hebrew.Your language is awesome!
    Nice to meet you!

  3. gmlch

    guy (guyal) is great! i’m israeli too, by the way.

  4. go9zu

    Hello my friend,thanks for your comment.Perhaps you are right.I just adopted the translation of “guyal11”.He is israeli,so I trust him.If you visit his video,you can read on the description the english translation,he translated “Hareut” to “the song of friendship”.

  5. go9zu

    שלום וסליחה.שכחתי ליכתוב “תודה רבה”.

  6. go9zu

    אני אוהב את התרבות העברית והמוזיקה העברית והשפה העברית ומענין אותי ללמוד איך חיים האנשים בישראל ומה חושבים האנשים בישראל.שלום, יורגוס

  7. alxflyisr

    נפלא= wonderful
    you are a great musician

  8. gmlch

    i think “the camaraderie” is, perhaps, a better translation for hare’ut.
    music’s great, either way, thanks for posting!

  9. go9zu

    Thank you very much,you make me realy very happy.Yes,this is a very sad song.A lot of israeli songs are sad (Ma Avarech,Hareut etc.).The lyrics are very very moving…Thanks a lot,you made me realy very happy with your comment.All the best,Jorgos

  10. alxflyisr

    אוהב את שיר הרעות כל כך
    השיר כל כך ציוני עד אימה,
    love Greece so much
    ונזכור את כולם

  11. keirakalovits

    You are a great person! 🙂

  12. go9zu

    Hey,you are amazing!Your comment made me very happy and your greek is aweseome!!

  13. keirakalovits

    That is really amazing!

    (i don’t know how you write it in greek, but: )
    Efkaristo poli Filemu!
    Toda raba Chaverim!
    Shalom! 🙂

  14. go9zu

    Could you please tell me what means נפלא?

  15. go9zu

    Ευχαριστώ πολύ! !!תדה רבה

  16. go9zu

    Hi and thank you very much!

  17. adka3b

    that was amazing i could listen to it forever:)נפלא

  18. adka3b

    wooow that was amazing…i could listen it forever:)נפלא

  19. go9zu

    One of the most beautiful melodies I ever heard in my life!And the lyrics are very moving.thanks for you feedback.

  20. primussolus

    well done!

    HaReut = The Fellowship/The Frienship.

    The story of the warriors of Israel’s War of Independence, 1948.

  21. go9zu

    Thanks!I like this song very much:-)

  22. ShlomoArtziFan

    Wonderful. Thanks.

  23. go9zu

    Thank you,I like this song very much.The chords are very interesting!But realy,thanks!

  24. SarrasaniPianoCircus

    The songs are interesting or not….depends also from both arrangement and playing style.
    The arrangement is IMHO good, but more good your style, as usual clear, expressive and

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