Sing with AyinChet!

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Home People Sing with AyinChet!
Published on October 25, 2008
ayinchet posted video:

Today AyinChet will teach you, dear watchers, how to sing her favourite songs on karaoke. Great chance to learn Hebrew songs AND get in touch with my voice! Don’t miss it!

Yeah 😀


“Livkot lekha/Cry for you” (Aviv Geffen)
“Summerwine” (Ville Valo)
“Se’i Yona” (trad. Yemenite)
“Halakhta/Gone” (Ofra Haza)

played song:
“Halakhta/Gone” (Ofra Haza”

©2007 SenderNews von Ayin&Chet

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  1. jenniemilia1986

    I really wish you would sing Ofra Haza´s “Csapri Tama”! 🙂

  2. znasser1

    Ur AMAZING!!! 😉 Z…

  3. nekhali

    Nee nee nee…plötzlich isse zur Gesangslehrerin mutiert. Das erste Lied kommt mir ja sehr bekannt vor, aber Summerwine haste mit der Melodie ein bissl verkackt 😉
    trotzdem hdl

  4. jes941

    🙂 that was very nice (but I think the bird was out of tune) lol

  5. omneyah

    u have a lovely voice

  6. paulwestwood67

    your so beautiful,i love your voice,i have fallen so deep in love with you

  7. maximgull

    keep on painting

  8. Bharatud

    AyinChet’s English is excellent. I hear just a slight accent but this is charming like a slight French accent in English.

  9. at8933

    of course it is. Many people around the world have their roots in Yemen.

  10. ayinchet

    sure, of course, nevermind 🙂

  11. Madeleine030988

    I didn’t mean any harm by asking, I was just interested. I did not mean to offend you in any way.

  12. ayinchet

    for none of interest 🙂 sry

  13. ayinchet

    i m not born in yemen, i only have my roots there but i think its enough.

  14. at8933

    so, your not yemeni?

  15. Madeleine030988

    Thank you for answering. Where is your country of birth?

  16. ayinchet

    i spent a time in israel, but i spent much time in germany, too.

  17. Madeleine030988

    I have a personal question for you, and let me know if it’s not ok. Did you grow up in Israel?

  18. ayinchet

    Thank you 🙂 Yes. I take vocal lessons + sing in a choir…I think I need to train it again, my voice, and then record here something serious 😉

  19. Madeleine030988

    I think you have a beautiful voice. infact I think you sound a bit like ofra Haza when you sing. Have you been taking any song lessons?

  20. helow98

    That was interesting and unusual. But it’s good and indeed your voice is great. It’s a lovely karaoke ^^ good on you !

  21. 7sGate

    You have a lovely voice; and your English is wonderful. I would like to hear the Kol Nedrei. (I probably spelled that wrong; but you know what I mean.) Shalom.

  22. Alia251987

    You sing very well, the Yemenite traditional song is amazing !Thanks, it’s nice !

  23. strikezone6498

    nice deep voice :O hope to hear you sing more..

  24. mooncrab1994

    i think you should yeah:) perioud.

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