9 Reasons to Learn Hebrew║Lindsay Does Languages

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Home People 9 Reasons to Learn Hebrew║Lindsay Does Languages
Published on October 27, 2015
Lindsay Dow posted video:

I was very kindly given a list of reasons to learn Hebrew a few months ago and so finally got around to putting them together! Enjoy! 🙂 Follow me across the…

Category :  People
  1. emaane

    Es mucho más sencillo decirlo en español “fenicio”, voilà! 😀
    I had actually already been told about the similarities between some Hebrew
    letters and some Latin ones, I don’t remember the exact example though,
    shame on me! :O

  2. MusicalLinguist

    Hebrew is a good language to learn but I have so many languages I want to

  3. Shane Deal

    Phoenician. Now I’m just sitting here saying it aloud. I’ve always
    pronounced it more like phoe-nee-shen. Now I’m wondering if I’ve been
    saying it wrong all this time! So, I just looked it up, I was close, but
    it’s more like phee-nee-shen. Oh well!

    Humm, Hebrew does sound like an interesting language. Thanks for the video!

  4. Jonathan Seabolt

    Hebrew is one of my scripts to learn this year. And language to learn in
    the future.

  5. Alfredo Ponce

    I’m currently learning Hebrew and I love it. One of my favourite features
    is the gender concordance between the subject and the verb!! As a Spanish
    and Italian speaker, I’m used to the adjective and noun gender agreement,
    but this is quite new; it looks like Arabic has the same feature.
    The pronunciation is Spanish-friendly, except for the “ayin” which is a
    glottal stop and it can be tricky…

    Anyway, go for it! It’s a beautiful language!

    I like a lot your channel!! :)

  6. Robbie Heslop

    If I wasn’t already busy with another language I would totally attempt
    Hebrew. It’s interested me for quite a while now actually.

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