Shalom Sesame: Classic Ernie and Cookie Monster Bake a Cake

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Home People Shalom Sesame: Classic Ernie and Cookie Monster Bake a Cake
Published on January 6, 2013
shalomsesame posted video:

From the classic 1986 Shalom Sesame: Ernie and Cookie Monster’s sing about friendship (and cake!) in both Hebrew and English. It’s a great way to pick up new…

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  1. Alan Bishop

    If he said it, it was in Hebrew, not English!

  2. wynnsangel

    Wow…he seriously just threw black pepper into that cake!

  3. Captfoo

    ,cjlvbhvvbhhjicjjdh –oyuu7uiiuyuugjiujguuihjijiji

  4. Paddy Dolan

    The Hebrew dubbed version of Cookie Monster sounds like Skips from Regular Show to me

  5. Tony Paul

    Did Ernie say “eatin a penis” @ 0:55?

  6. MarshalGrover

    But without the American version, there would be no Hebrew version…

  7. swimmersinger12

    i think Ernie’s hebrew voice is better than the american version.

  8. Nellie K. Adaba

    I need to learn Hebrew, I know a few words and phrases. I love Sesame Street. I was 5 in 86.

  9. idontgiveaflyingtoss

    yeah well………..someone doesn’t know how to bake a cake. stick to what you know.

  10. silentobservor

    cookie monster is SO cute.

  11. Courtney Shannon

    one person doesn’t get a cookie….

  12. checkunderyourbed

    Kids shows are the best. We watched Rehov soom soom in Hebrew class.

  13. MsPandaRosa

    Best introduction to a very classic song.

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