A Kretzmach Niggun

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Home People A Kretzmach Niggun
Published on January 27, 2013
NotShmuley posted video:

Deep in the heart of Johannesburg-this previously unreleased footage is now available for the general public.

  1. Peter Nolan Smith

    it’s a tradition dating back to the time of Moises

  2. YTcheche187

    WTF!, Was Jesus the Messiah or NOT? I’m dying for knowing the TRUTH!!!

  3. Alex Krauth

    Love it!

  4. Natania Etienne

    sorry its an inner joke very cute beside the lady …the guy could help themselves but you know the sacrifice of yiddish mama don’t think that they don’t know better……so the daf is late of one day
    natania etienne

  5. myronjoshua

    On facebook a group posted about the jews remembering to hate the goyim on knittlenacht. Do i dare show them this? how will they perceive it?

  6. Phil Cohen

    Ah, but who are you? And who are the Kretzmachs? And why is there no other reference to them except to this cute video? You can say anything you want, but how do I know it’s true?

  7. bakmanna

    Hi Rosie,

    See my reply to OryxconLara

    Glad you liked it.

    It was all NotShmuley’s idea. It’s *his* fault.

  8. bakmanna

    I assure you Phil, my beard is not fake. Scraggly, yes. But not fake.

  9. bakmanna

    Yup. We did it for a hoot and to tweak some self important egos.I’m a committed Lubavitch Chosid and I was concerned about offending some people but humor is such a big ingredient in life so I went for being in it. to those who enjoyed and appreciated, thank you. To those who did not and to those who got offended I won’t say “Get a life” because you probably have one,who am I to say.One day I may understand you.By the time we got to the end of a few takes,I had nearly wiped the bottle of lechaim

  10. dave stein

    Ho Ho Hoy vey z’mir

  11. larry leibowitz

    I’m still reeling from Phil’s keen observation.

  12. Larry Mitchell

    I’m not an Orthodox Jew —– on the contrary, I’m as far from it as I could be. I frankly don’t care for this at all. I DO have a sense of humor, but I find this to be complete nonsense.

  13. David Fishman

    The better niggun is that of Little Drummer Boy

  14. Edwin Svigals

    Phil — you are a detective!

  15. Carrie Singer

    Hand in shot @ 1:34. 

  16. box5new

    Off tune!!!!


    dont think it’s funny…not nice

  18. cmsl921

    Whoa – good times

  19. David Kra

    Notice the candlesticks with neronim cups at 0:57.

  20. messiahsez


  21. Phil Cohen

    It’s funny, but it looks like it’s a fake. Everyone but the guy in the back with the white beard looks haredi by dress only. The guy in the back has the characteristic scraggly beard, but if you look close, it appears to be a fake. Hard to be sure because the video is grainy, but it looks to me to be a fake. Also, a Google search Kretzmach only references this video. There are no other references at all!!

  22. Gnarlodious

    Pretty funny.

  23. Shulamith Dash

    how exactl? they are making fun of themselves! I think its funny like if christains started a carsol ( i think its called) abt Hanukah i wud crack up

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