xcalicoco posted video:
Psalm 121 – “I raise my eyes to the mountains” – this beautiful psalm of David calls on the protection and comfort of the Holy One, Ancient of Days.
This is given freely and b’simcha [with joy], for people to enjoy and take comfort from, and l’shem yichud Kudsha b’rich Hu [for the Sake of the Unification of the Holy Name.]
thank you for putting this on youtube
so we can all learn. Todah Rabah
and Shalom H.
powerful hearing this in the langauge of the chosen people. hebrew.
god is holy
Adonai toda!!!!!!!
“Wznoszę swe oczy ku górom,
Skad nadejdzie mi pomoc?
Pomoc mi przyjdzie od Pana (HaSzem),
który stworzył niebo i ziemię (…) Ps 121
Shalom yedid!
I Pray for Israel and who are near Israel!!
This is beautiful!!!! The Hirsch crew
Adonai Yismarecha