This is part of the bedtime Shema, the prayers and meditations before sleep, found in the Siddur after the evening service, Maariv.
One of the most ancient names of G-d is “El” – and we see that name in the names of the angels.
The first angel is Michael – “mi”=”who” – “C”=”like” [is] like G-D – right side
The second angel is Gavriel – the Gevurah, power of G-d – left side
The third angel is Uriel – the Or – light of G-d – in front
The fourth angel is Rafael – healed by G-d – following
The fifth angel is Shekhinat El – the Shekhina – feminine presence of G-d – above the head.
The breathing sounds are reminders to take deep, full breaths as you do the meditation, through the nose, holding slightly as feels comfortable.
This meditation brings great protection and comfort, and can be used as a mantra anywhere, anytime.
In Jewish thought, angels are not independent beings; they are simply messengers of the creator. This is called an “Invocation,” but it is not really calling anything into existence that is not already there – the protection is always there, it is our birthright…
Also, there is a mispronounciation in the word “milfanai” – I say it “mil-e-fanai” and it should be “milfanai.” Nobody’s perfect… . .. .
Category | : Howto |
Tags | : Invocation , Prayers And Meditations , Reminders |
G0D BLESS YOU FOREVER, XCALICOCO! This prayer and incantation has been one of the strongest shields I could find.
Bless you! :X
keep silence, please!
I have no words to express my gratitude to the angels. It has been very weird and extremily happy since I ask them for protection. My life has changed 100% for good. May G_d keep these angels to our protection.
harta burta….bli kavana nehona ze stam milim…
Thanks for this video. I was listening to a video series by Rav Michael Laitman on the Zohar. It was stated that all prayer should be directed at changing ourselves and not external factors since Hashem has a reason for everything. Why would I want to summon angel to protect me from my own negative thoughts? Would it be better to pray for the angels to change my thoughts?
So beautiful! THank you my sm8 for sharing this with me! Much love and peace! Di:)
sounds more like dark shadows
Seems youre all confused about using the NAME, none of which is represented here.The NAME was used by the priests its pronunciation apparently “lost” ,we are left with the letters of the tetragrammaton.Still used in meditation as well as these are by Kabbalists in contemplating the many aspects of our creator. It is not forrbiden by Torah as when you are taught to sing and chant Torah, that is of itself an invocation as is blessing.ALL Words are the CREATORS Words, we are his word.
Got it.Some argue that the name is Raphael although in Kabbalah, the name is attributed to Ezra. Thank you so much!
well spotted
I don’t seem to be able to post a link here but do a Google Search on Azrael/Azriel and you will find lots of information. Hope it helps.
Nowhere specific. Azrael/Azriel is in Judiac, Christian, Islamic and Zoroastrian angelologies. I will find a link for you.
Looked through it and didn’t find it. So where did you get the info you’ve provided above? Thank you!
I don’t know I am afraid. One thing – Azrael is very much distinct from Samael, ‘the Adversary’. Azrael is not always to be feared. No-one is keen to die but Azrael can make it painless…
Very interesting. Is it mentioned in the Siddur in the Maariv prayer? Thank you for your answer.
great work ! bless you all toda raba
Really good point – thanks for catching it – I’ll correct the notes. Thanks!
Yes Azriel/Azrael is an angel. He is the Angel of Death who takes the soul/spirit to the other side…
-I noticed you made a pretty serious mistake in the video description: “The first angel is Michael – like G-D – right side”
-Michael, or מיכאל actually means “Who is like God?”. מי is “who”, כ is “like”, and אל is “G-d”. The way it is written now, it would be considered blasphemy by most people. -שלום
Hello. I was in really darkness, then my business went down, my gilr after 7 years left me, my new one destroy me, and I decided to stop, the I found this prayer and I cannot explain the changes, this is amazing, I go on my knees in front of the Eternal.
Amazing videos, thank you! Can you please tell me if Azriel is also considered an angel?
Thank you for this invocation! It is effective indeed! God bless you and us all! 🙂