Hebrew I Love You !

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Home Howto Hebrew I Love You !
Published on January 31, 2013
LearnArabicwithMaha posted video:

Learn Hebrew with Maha! Enjoy. If you have any questions or doubts please leave it in a comment below and I’ll make sure to answer asap Facebook page:http://…

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  1. JayBarrington

    @Dolceb7 You are clearly deaf!

  2. Jennifer Lincoln

    I’m learning Hebrew and it’s real nice of you to take the time to do this.

  3. hamzamiliana

    ana ohiev maha, ana ou7ib maha

  4. piper hilard

    You people are not the real jews! soon, the whole world will know.

  5. Masebook

    Hey Maha, I have a really important question for you! I’ve been wanting to get a tattoo of the first Yiddish phrase my grandmother ever taught me — “I love you” or “ikh hob dikh lib.” My father died when I was a baby so I want it as a tribute to him, but the problem is that I can’t figure out how I should write it, especially bc I want to get it done in Yiddish, not Hebrew. Can you help me? Write me a direct message if you can or reply to this! Thanks so much.

  6. tony6d2x2

    Wow. That’s like one of the coolest comments I’ve heard on here. Todah/Shukran akhi.

  7. OhSnapRap

    I wish you’d add the negative in the same vid, meaning wish you would add how to say I do not love ya

  8. CameronYousef

    But understand…Modern Hebrew is not legitimate hebrew. The original semites were not white people from Europe, they were middle eastern like Arabs. This new Hebrew has a lot of influence from Russian, French, Arabic, English etc….it’s not legitimate.

  9. Nelly Spinoza


  10. DarkChakotay

    Thanks for including male/male and female/female. I was wondering about those. 🙂 Now I can say I love you to my girl! 😀

  11. Michael De

    shalom from USA

  12. Kowdog69

    Awesome! I love you too. But really, I’m in love with this Israeli girl… Now let’s see if I get it right. Peace and love.

  13. laiviniel

    I think I know why you’re asking 🙂 because I was wondering the same thing when I heard it. Not sure but I think it means “you are not alone” if you have a definitive answer, please let me know 🙂

  14. Siobhan Townsend

    hi ive been searching around for someone who speaks fluent hebrew and english i just need a hand here i dont speak hebrew but want to learn… anyway i heard this said somewhere i think its hebrew but idk but in english it sounded like [ a la lolva] i have no idea how to write in hebrew just hoping i could get a hand thanks sooo much for reading and attempting to help 🙂

  15. mohammad saadeddine

    maha , ani ohev الأرض اللي بتمشي عليها :DD
    translate plz 😛

  16. frankpalomari

    Nice video, its better when the videos are short like this, not so overwhelmingly like the 10 mins ones. better to keep track of the lessons, better to choose the topics and also a better sense of accomplishment.

  17. FermatWiles

    אנחנו אוהבים אותך, מהה!

  18. joseggf1

    Ani Ohev Otakh Maha =D

  19. Mukaramov Auyekborova Elliot Lee - Fan

    Is it applicable to friend/father/family? like saying ani ohev otcha to daddy?

  20. abgdhoz1

    الصراحة مجهود رائع تشكرين عليه …واصلي …بس اللي ابغى افهمه ايش دخل هالفيديو بالفلافل والطعميه انا عملت بحث عن فلافل وطعميه اعطوني هالفيديو من الاقتراحات خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ


    Nice video

  22. MODY II

    Hebrew is an ugly language

  23. jj8585

    subject pronoun vs direct object pronoun. Like how you can’t say (yo) tu quiero, but te quiero.

  24. javiergarcia1986

    why otakh and no ata?

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