Hebrew Language Translations

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Home Howto Hebrew Language Translations
Published on December 4, 2014
WatchMojo.com posted video:

In this http://www.WatchMojo.com video, learn how to say basic words and phrases in Hebrew in our language translation series.

Category :  Howto
  1. Lassami Sofiane

    salomon is our prophet

  2. Георги Георгиев

    I thought the second language in Israel is russian?

  3. Sinead SUN

    wrong! its victories! important matter. victory – NITZAHON

  4. Barak Zai

    The language you speak that you impostors call “Modern Hebrew” was
    fabricated 80 years ago in an attempt to support your lies. It’s a mix of
    Arabic, Persian and a few other languages in the region. Everything about
    you is a complete sham.

  5. Emre Sarikaya

    I can speak hebrew to: Haggg gghaggg gggahg ghaam ghaniet

  6. grabthis joke

    why you want to learn Hebrew? it is barely spoken in the world, there are
    only around 5 million speakers (mainly jews mainly in Israel). I guess it
    will be more ‘useful’ to learn chinese.. or other language. don’t you think?

  7. KaramelLolaBunnie91

    @nessy17142 or I should say messy17142 you hear me chump >:(.

  8. askadetra

    @naamatt2 thank you

  9. Omer Sarig

    sheket bevakasha=quiet please

  10. Verletzer

    Get the fuck out of here you filthy antisemitic, holocaust-denying, Aryan

  11. DeyaLatvia

    wht does this mean? נאיים… כדאי בס אסחא תקונ

  12. Omer Sarig

    אם אתה מבין ששנינו ישראלים, אז אתה יכול לעבור לעברית. בקשר למבטא, תסתכל על
    כל האותיות המיותרות באלפבית, אז תבין.

  13. Senia Pitaykin

    if you say so…

  14. grabthis joke

    for the one who respond to my comment.. I’ve read it on my account.. and
    you did good for delete it, it was full of shit

  15. ShadowDancerXXL

    because you’d hit it as well as I would?

  16. hatulaim1

    Toda is thank you and bevakasha means please!! Sorry!

  17. Omer Sarig

    lo hi lo yafa bichlal, hi mamash meatsbenet

  18. Senia Pitaykin

    כשאתה מנסח את זה ככה, נכון…

  19. speedcubeshopdotcom

    They’re amazing languages, but I don’t care what role they have in the

  20. Omer Sarig

    you are smart

  21. Venda Okta

    Hello! Thanks a lot for this helpful video. By the way, I hear a lot of
    people keep on talking about Practicorex Hebrew (do a search on google),
    but I’m not sure if it is really good. Have you ever tried this how to
    speak practical hebrew tutorial known as Practicorex Hebrew? I have heard
    several unbelivable things about it.

  22. KaramelLolaBunnie91

    Who here knows how to speak hebrew help me out please

  23. Senia Pitaykin

    @xonealpha not really, arabic is really complex and uses really weird
    sounds while hebrew is… well… simple 🙂

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