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Published on December 17, 2014
Masha’ahlah Ahlayan posted video:

This is Part One of the Series! This video touches on the fact that The New Testament was originally written in **Ha Zaqan Abaryah Lashawan** which is **The …

Category :  People
  1. 2bless8

    hasn’t is a colloquial contraction.

  2. Masha'ahlah Ahlayan

    Eusebius (315 CE) – Matthew also, having first proclaimed the Gospel in
    Hebrew, when on the point of going also to the other nations, committed it
    to writing in his native tongue, and thus supplied the want of his presence
    to them by his writings. [Eccl. Hist. 3:24] Epiphanius (370 CE) – They [The
    Nazarenes] have the Gospel according to Matthew quite complete in Hebrew,
    for this Gospel is certainly still preserved among them as it was first
    written, in Hebrew letters. [Panarion 29:9:4]

  3. Masha'ahlah Ahlayan

    who translated it into Greek is not sufficiently ascertained. Furthermore,
    the Hebrew itself is preserved to this day in the library at Caesarea,
    which the martyr Pamphilus so diligently collected. I also was allowed by
    the Nazarenes who use this volume in the Syrian cityof Borea to copy it. In
    which is to be remarked that, wherever the evangelist….{{CONTINUING}}

  4. Masha'ahlah Ahlayan

    Don’t be so quick to subscribe to me yet, what you see in the future, you
    won’t like it if you’re sensitive, and i promise you won’t!

  5. Masha'ahlah Ahlayan

    makes use of the testimonies of the Old Scripture, he does not follow the
    authority of the seventy translators, but that of the Hebrew. [Lives of
    Illustrious Men, Book 5]

  6. Masha'ahlah Ahlayan

    Ireneus (170 CE) – Matthew also issued a written Gospel among the Hebrews
    in their own dialect. [Against Heresies 3:1] Origen (210 CE) – The first
    [Gospel] is written according to Matthew, the same that was once a tax
    collector, but afterwards an apoltle of Jesus Christ who having published
    it for the Jewish believers, wrote it in Hebrew. [A quote by Eusebius;
    Eccl. Hist. 6:25]

  7. Paul Ayers

    Thank You For Sharing this Blessing!

  8. Masha'ahlah Ahlayan

    @herbb52 I think you’re totally wrong here. This guy is distributing facts.
    The indigenous tongue if the Israelites even during the “Messianic Period”
    was indeed Hebrew. He even brought out the fact that The Israelite
    Revolutionary. Shimon Bar Kohba written a letter to his Hebrew Brethren in
    between the years 115-135 IN THE HEBREW LANGUAGE! The guy in this video
    mentioned that at least 90% of the New testament was written in the Hebrew
    5% in Aramaic and only 5% in Greek.

  9. Herb Brooks

    Shem Tov’s Hebrew Matthew was copied in the twelfth century by an Orthodox
    scribe who did not believe in Yeshua. It is not a direct jump from Shem
    Tov’s manuscript to the belief that the NT was written in Hebrew. This
    video shows only inferences, but no particular facts. Just because Yeshua,
    the apostles and Paul, the Jews, etc spoke in Hebrew does not show that
    they did NOT speak in Greek or that the NT was written in Hebrew. Perhaps
    in other videos.

  10. YTuberism

    Paul was the one introducing the term ‘Christ’ onto romans. A new doctrine
    were invented. The teachings of Paul deviated from the teachings of
    Nazarenes (James, Peter, Thomas etc..). Pauline corpus was still a
    work-in-progress in the 2nd-3rd century. A complete Greek New Testament can
    only be found in 4th century.

  11. Vid Bid

    Have you never heard of Shem Tov’s Hebrew Matthew? Or Nehemiah Gordon’s
    work entitled, The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus.

  12. Masha'ahlah Ahlayan

    For the Most Part The New Testament was written in the Hebrew Tongue. As a
    matter of truth There were ancient Scholars from the years {{150-850 AD}}
    who can testify that The Book of Matthew more specifically was written in
    their NATIVE TONGUE! Papias (150-170 CE) – Matthew composed the words in
    the Hebrew dialect, and each translated as he was able. [A quote by
    Eusebius; Eccl. Hist. 3:39]

  13. camp4christ

    Biblical archaeology is not only about hundred years old- this is
    incorrect- it is much older.

  14. Masha'ahlah Ahlayan

    Isho’dad (850 CE) – His [Matthew’s] book was in existence in Caesarea of
    Palestine, and everyone acknowledges that he wrote it with his hands in
    Hebrew. [Isho’dad Commentary on the Gospels] And this is just referring to
    The Book of Matthew Alone. So for the sake of Common Sense, wouldn’t the
    witnesses of The Messiah including Mark, Luke and Saint John’s native
    tongue would be spoken and inscribed in the simultaneous tongue as Matthew?

  15. Masha'ahlah Ahlayan

    Jerome ( 382 CE) – Matthew, who is also Levi, and from a tax collectore
    came to be an Apostle first of all evangelists composed a Gospel of Christ
    in Judea in the Hebrew language and letters, for the benefit of those of
    the circumcision who had believed, {{CONTINUING}}

  16. Masha'ahlah Ahlayan

    @vidbid1 i believe i am familiar with the shem tov hebrew matthew. i knew
    about it approximately two years ago as well as the hebrew yeshua vs the
    greek jesus.

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