Learn Amharic Videos
Learn How To Read & Recite The Our Mother & Father Prayer Versions Of The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church – Learn HIM Name Properly Say Haile Selassie I Name In Amharic! Learn How To Count & Recognize The Ethiopian Numerals Amharic Numbers (1-10) Say Haile Selassie I Name In Amharic! This is one of a series of Amharic educational videos created by The Lion of Judah Society www.LOJSociety.org which was founded by Ras Iadonis Tafari, and chanted by Tehetena Girma a.k.a. MiMi G. “The Queen of Sheba” to inspire and encourage the RasTafari Community Globally to Learn H.I.M.’s Language Amharic. Energized by the love for education which Our Father instilled in I&I, that we vigorously pursued the path of Amharic Education for Our people and Our land. We have, ever since, perseveringly and increasingly followed that path and we are now more than ever before convinced that it is Amharic education that heals all of we as RasTafari-Ethiopian-Hebrew-Africans. For Qedamawi Haile Sellassie has said that language is the key to culture and I&I must educate ourselves for it is also in the Amharic language alone that Qiddus Abbatachin (Our Holy Father) Said him can speak what is in him heart and in him mind with I&I. So I&I must show the real worth of our education by the way in which we shoulder these responsibilities. Education is one of the basic needs of any country; we have to provide opportunities for education throughout Our Empire. Education is a means of sharpening the mind of man both spiritually and intellectually. It is a two-edged sword that can be used either for the progress of mankind or for its destruction. that is why it has been Our constant desire and endeavor to develop our education for the benefit of mankind. The Lion Of Judah Society Also Offers The following Products and Services: • Your Ultimate Amharic Package! Amharic & Bible HomeSchooling Booklet With CD’s • Your Official Copy of H.I.M. Haile Selassie I Royal Amharic Bible aka “Book of the 7 Seals” & H.I.M. Bible Teachings & other Products • Cultural & Traditional Ethiopian Custom Products • Legal Name Changes To Reflect Your Chosen Name • Get Your New Ethiopian Name From H.I.M.’s Holy Book • Ethiopic Calligraphy & Ethiopian Name Translation • Amharic Graphics, Symbols, Logos, Banners, Flyers • Custom Amharic Graphic Transliteration & Voice-Overs • Fast, Accurate & Affordable Translation Service Special Thanks To: www.EthiopianWorldFederation.com
EWF Ark Of Mariam Local No. 31 &
www.EthiopianWorldFederation.org EWF Lion Of Judah Local No. 33 Ethiopian Reggae Amharic Music Haile Selassie RasTafari Seven Seals Shashamane Lion of Judah HIM Semitic Learn Our Pure Language Royal Amharic Available Now! First of a series of Book and CD Lessons. Each lesson and CD is carefully and clearly designed and put together to simplify the language. Listen and study the proper pronunciation of each letter and word step by step and you’ll be speaking Royal Amharic sooner than you think. AND IT’S EASY — VERY EASY! H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I – Royal Amharic Bible – Book Of The Holy, aka The Book of The Seven (7) Seals! Originally revealed in Ethiopia on the 23rd of July 1961 by THE FIRST HAILE SELLASSIE, King of Kings of Ethiopia (Rev 5:5). The H.I.M. 1961 Authorized “Old” Amharic Bible is the official Authorized text of the Ancient Holy Scriptures received by Ethiopia in the Old Testament. Help support us by donating: www.LOJSociety.Org/Donations
Lion of Judah Society
© 2008 The Lion Of Judah Society
Category | : Nonprofit |
Tags | : Lion Of Judah , Mimi , Two Edged Sword |
Ethiopic/Gi’iz or Geez
what is the origin of this language