WIKITONGUES: Joel speaking English & Hebrew

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Home Nonprofit WIKITONGUES: Joel speaking English & Hebrew
Published on April 5, 2015
Wikitongues posted video:

(0:12) I’ve been speaking English most of my life. I’ve been speaking Hebrew most of my life as well. Ever since I started speaking, I’ve known both language…

Category :  Nonprofit
  1. Z. Mukh.

    This is an attractive language… Wow

  2. El Komander

    oh god its horrendous 

  3. jarpsblog

    Nice, I speak 4 languages, 😉 

  4. Jackson Amaral

    Interesting! I´m from Brasil and speak portugues and english but I learned
    by myself to read hebrew, greek and latin. 

  5. Jacky Hernandez

    Swag, Joel 

  6. Lion Kelly

    Hey Joe, cool vid, thanks man.

  7. liebekaese

    god, you’re really cute

  8. MrPppaul

    guys, guys. Turn on the english subtitles. Please.

  9. karoslif

    it’s funny,when i hear people speaking in so called spiritual tongues it
    sounds nothing like this,which leads me to think that the so called tongues
    is nothing but garbage.

  10. Maria Paz

    Wow.. Amazing .. when i hear someone speaking hebrew, i feel im in israel..
    it’s good to hear.. 🙂

  11. aMiNe Mehrsprachige

    Shalom Joel ani Amine, i likey our hebrew accent, actually i’m learning
    hardly this language since & month, please do add me on Skype; sa as to
    practice a little hebrew with you:amine.amalou91

  12. Alan F

    Thanks for doing this!

  13. Carlos K

    Most modern Hebrew speakers have a pronunciation that resembles Yiddish
    (and, indirectly, German). The guttural r is the main feature. I prefer the
    pronunciation of people with a trilled r, like those who speak Sephardi or
    Mizrahi Hebrew. The r of رأس in Arabic resh in Aramaic and ראש in Sephardi
    and Mizrahi Hebrew (the Semitic word for “head”) are pronounced with a
    trilled r…except among Israelis with Central and East European roots, who
    pronounce it like Yiddish or some German dialects, /R/

  14. Nur Listiyanto

    Guys, learning to speak hebrew does not have to be difficult (I used to
    think it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Look for a training
    program known as Practicorex Hebrew (search on google). Seriously, thanks
    to Practicorex Hebrew I’ve learn how to speak practical Hebrew in quick and
    easy way. I probably shouldn’t even be mentioning it cause I don’t want a
    bunch of other folks out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am
    just in a good mood today so I will share the wealth haha.

  15. cherymoon moon

    lt sounds like Arabic

  16. WorshipInTruth

    Sorry but its true. Old school Aramaic Hebrew sounds beautiful. This
    eastern Europe ghetto-gulag Yiddish stuff is trash though. Always sounds
    like a drunken Russian trying to speak Arabic.

  17. WorshipInTruth

    God I really want to get into Hebrew so badly, it is just such a horrible
    sounding language though. Arabic however, sounds so nice to me.

  18. Pandu Persada

    It still surprise me, how some people have no idea about Practicorex Hebrew
    (search on google), even though lots of people learn how to speak hebrew
    with this training program. Thanks to my buddy who told me about
    Practicorex Hebrew, I have learn how to speak practical Hebrew in quick and
    easy way.

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